MY Brother and Sister please
   I appreciate and love my husband. He is an amazing man who provides for all my needs even before I needed them except for my sexual needs which is important to me. Apart from the sexual pleasure I get from it, it calm my nerves, makes me less nagging. Most importantly, frequently reaching orgasm has been my anti aging secret over the years and I love looking good.
    Just like a child, I would always have to touch, beg and use all manner of approach on his cucumber before this thing would even stand half way to perform it’s God given duty ooo. Despite all of my effort, he spills as he is about entering.
        So before you judge and call me names, please read on to see how it all started….
        My husband proposed to me after just four months of dating and I didn’t think twice before I accepted to be his wife.
        When we started dating, my friends gossiped that he must be loaded with lots of money for me to have considered him over other admirers. They must have thought that way because he didn’t pass our TDH (Tall, Dark and Handsome) exam…lol
   It was actually his kind nature that made me accept to date him, but what made me stayed glued to him was his ability to make me feel like a complete woman….he knows how to make me beg for more.
  I remember the first time we made out. He had touched me everywhere and gotten me in the mood. When he brought out his cucumber I was a little bit disappointed. I was expecting something bigger, but by the time he was fully inside me, it felt like double the size.
     No man has ever reached that hidden part of me. He had to quickly remote the TV on to prevent his next flat neighbor from hearing my ringtone, though I didn’t know what I was saying.
     From that moment till he proposed to me, we had frequent sex and it kind of brought us closer. He had already become my best friend. So when he asked me to marry him all I could say was a big yes.
  I didn’t like regular sex before I met him. He was quite experienced and he knows how to properly use his tool. That was when I realized sex is not necessarily about the size of the cucumber, but how well you can use it.
  Everything I know about sex today, he taught me. He was a gentle lover so with him I learnt how to truly enjoy sex.
  When this problem started, he said it was work stress, but when it persisted and he finally became withdrawn, I concluded he was having an affair.
  I tried to speak to him about it on several occasions, but he waved it off either saying he was fine, I’m too demanding or sex is not food.
  I remembered I’m a mother so, I let it be and I shifted my attention to my kids, but a part of me kept reminding me that I am also a wife. Besides, the peace of my home was already on the line. Our communication level had drastically dropped.
  It went on like that for about a year. I didn’t want to discuss him with my friends so that they won’t bring up what they said about me rushing into marriage with him when we got married so I just kept mute and suffered in silence.
     I visited Prince Owolabi, an elderly friend one day and we got talking. We spoke about men and marriage. I got emotional and busted into tears. She asked what the problem was and I told her I was loosing my husband to another woman.
     After I narrated how the whole thing started, she started laughing….I was embarrassed and disappointed at her. How could she laugh at such a thing of the heart that had affected my home. I only confided in her because of the respect and trust I had in her.
    She later stopped laughing and explained that my husband might not have an affair. She said it has happened to her husband before and that she knows the solution. She gave me the seller’s contact and I placed an order immediately.
   It was delivered to me the following day. 
It was a Saturday morning and my husband was at home. I paid the dispatch and told him the package was for him. 
     I pleaded with him to use it so that the issue can be resolved and all he could say was “I see you have some money to throw around”. I was over furious, but I made up my mind not to ever visit the issue again.
    He was supposed to make a one month business trip to the East on Monday, but left on Sunday…I didn’t even ask him why the sudden change in plan…I just concluded he wanted to spend more time with his secret lover.
     My plan was to tell him of my own business trip when he returns…that way I can be with whoever I choose to be with too.
     Two weeks after, he just showed up unannounced.
      I changed to a short dress to fix his food. I felt a hand held my waist from behind. I turned around to face him and the look in his eyes told me all I needed to know. I thought I was angry with him, but then I realized how much I have missed him. I was surprised to see his fully erect cucumber. Suddenly, I desperately wanted him inside me.
     As if he could read my thoughts. He placed me on the kitchen cabinet ,shifted my dress up and slid inside without wasting anytime. I wrapped my legs round his waists and my hands round his neck while he jacked back and forth and penetrated deep inside.
      I kept shouting his name….we were hungry for each other. When he climaxed….he planted a kiss on my forehead, looked straight into my eyes, and said THANK YOU. I didn’t know why he said that ,and I didn’t ask either.
    We went to shower and he started flirting with me right there in the shower. I quickly left and resumed cooking.
     I served him his food, but he was busy looking at my large size breast with the corner of one eye. He left the food untouched and carried me to the bedroom, this time he took his time, touched me everywhere, sucked my breast and licked the tit in a way that made me moan. Even though his cucumber was so hard, he was still patient…that was the man I married.
     By the time he entered, I was more than wet. Surprisingly he lasted for about 30 mins. we reached orgasm about the same time… was a magical moment…I called his name severally and he kept saying I’m with you.
   I was happy to see him this way again, It’s what I wanted, but then I was scared at the same time….I needed to be sure he wasn’t on drug. So later that night I went to him and said. Please I demand an explanation for what happened today. He smiled and said……for making love to my woman? is that a problem?
   I told him it wont be a problem if you tell me what you used…..He said but you bought me what I used. I said I did, when? That was when I observed I had not seen the Action pack anywhere in the house since he traveled. I was just too angry to notice.
     He said he had only used it a little over two weeks when he started seeing result and that he was ashamed to collect the treatment directly from me. Wow!
That means Dr, Faolab Honey 🍯 and Herbal 🌿 Clinic Center was right!
The GBAGI MANLU works My marriage is rescued
     My husband who was ashamed of talking to even me his wife about the problem has now recommended the solution to all of his friends and more…
   I have come online so that with the power of the internet, I can reach as many who are in similar situation and are willing to get out of it without having to know or see them.
    All you have to do is place your order and it would be delivered to you without your neighbor knowing what the challenge is. That way, you too can be among the real men we ladies prefer and talk about.

With this powerful combo you can gain your self esteem back as you take your rightful position on the the Maracanã stadium.  

     The Proven, Tested, 100% Natural, And Permanent Solution To Erectile Dysfunction/ Weak Erection, Quick Spill, Low Libido (Loss Of Sextual Desire)

Dr, Faolab Honey 🍯 and Herbal ☘️ Clinic Center: Some health conditions humans experience are lifelong i.e. have no cure and as such, there is need to be watchful. If you care about your life, you need to always check your body to be sure that you are not Suffering from something severe. Though we all pray not to contract any viral disease like HIV, it doesn't mean, we can't actually contract it.
   The good thing is that for every disease especially deadly ones like HIV/AIDS, the earlier you discover or go for a test, the higher your chances of recovering. So in this article, we are going to have a look at some of the signs that you're suffering from HIV. Once you notice all these signs and symptoms at once, rush to the hospital for test and also to treat yourself.
Dr, Faolab Honey 🍯 and Herbal 🌿 Clinic Center:  
       1.Constant Fever; this is the first sign that a strange problem has entered your body. But if you start experiencing fever that is not caused by any common health problem like.malaria or typhoid, then you need to go for HIV test. Though this might not be strong enough to send one to the hospital for such test, keep reading for more signs.

Dr, Faolab Honey 🍯 and Herbal ☘️ Clinic Center:
         2. Swollen Lymph Nodes/Glands; lymph nodes get swollen in the armpit area, neck etc when a serious health problem has gotten into an individual's body. Most times the earliest signs of HIV/AIDS is swelling of lymph nodes in the person's neck and armpit. So immediately you notice this coupled with the above sign, then you need to start preparing yourself for the test.

Dr, Faolab Honey 🍯 and Herbal 🌿 Clinic Center :
    3. Night Sweats; while experiencing the above things, if you also start experiencing constant episodes of profuse night Sweats, then you need to be seriously pay attention to your health, as there is every chance that a strange and serious sickness has come upon you. Once you start noticing all these, rush to the hospital for test.

HIV is not only sexually transmitted, you can also contract it when you share sharp objects with someone who's suffering from HIV/AIDS. Thanks and be safe.
    Ask for MAPGAD Capsules & DABIRA Herbal 🌿 Tonic.Thanks for reading. Please share this article to save a life.
   For enquiries & Cure Contact.  
  Dr, Faolab Honey🍯 and Herbal ☘️ Clinic Center. 
babaalafia.blogaspot. com
